IBN SINA Medical College, Affiliated with University of Dhaka, Largest Medical College. Largest Hospital High Patient Flow. Top Reputed Medical College, Modern Campus Heart of Capital City, In Campus Own Hostel & Library. FOR ADMISSION/SEAT CONFIRMATION & OTHERS PROCESSING CONTACT: FORTUNE EDUCATION, EXCLUSIVE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, DHAKA, BANGLADESH- +8801995529533, INDIA: +919007862991 IBN SINA MEDICAL COLLEGE, DHAKA...Read More
Brahmanbaria Medical College Brahmanbaria Medical College, Brahmanbaria district. its found within the eastern part of Bangladesh. Once the region was a neighborhood of Samatat state. Later it had been included within the Tripura district in 1970. the primary and temporary capital of Isa Khan was at Sarail, 10 km north of Brahmanbaria Town. Swadeshi movement...Read More